The Mauling Man (2022)

A different kind of werewolf story for Pagan, Kemetic, and Setian audiences. 

The Mauling Man (2022) is a “soundtrack” for an imaginary werewolf movie that doesn’t exist. It is currently available for purchase, streaming, and download at Bandcamp, Amazon, Apple iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, and other digital music platforms. This is the story of Hal, a wolf who has the ability to change into a man and back, and who is inspired by the Egyptian gods Anubis and Wepwawet to fight crime and protect the innocent.

Hal is a werewolf, but not like in the movies. He’s a wolf who changes into a man, not a man who becomes a wolf. He changes whenever he wants, not just during the full moon. He also has three faces—wolf, man, and wolfman—not just two.

Most importantly, Hal is a VERY GOOD BOY, not an evil monster.

The werewolf was found abandoned and injured as a pup by a woman named Jane, who nursed him back to health. When she learned he can transform, she adopted him as her son and taught him everything she could. After learning to read, Hal discovered the canid gods Anubis and Wepwawet in an old Egyptology book on Jane’s shelf. Recognizing himself in Them, he decided he wanted to be just like Them when he grew up, helping and protecting the innocent.

When Hal came of age, Jane released him back into the wild. In his lupine form, he fell in love with a she-wolf named Grace and adopted her pups as his own. He’s also been saving human lives and making enemies with the forces of evil ever since—including a mad pseudoscientist called Phibes, a Bible-thumping trophy hunter named Jedidiah Clark, and the entire Lugosi Mob. But perhaps the so-called “Mauling Man” has yet to face his greatest challenge…

Injured and abandoned as a pup, Hal is discovered by a woman named Jane, who nurses him back to health. When Jane discovers Hal can change into a human and back, she teaches him to read and write, and she raises him as her own son.

“Holy Canidae”

After Jane teaches him to read and write, Hal finds an Egyptology book on her shelf and discovers the gods Anubis and Wepwawet…and he decides he wants to be just like Them when he grows up.

“Finding Grace”

When he came of age, Jane released Hal back into the wild. He traveled the woods as a wolf for a while; and then he heard her. A she-wolf named Grace cried out into the night for her missing mate, drawing the attention of enemy wolves. She was terrified the other wolves would kill her pups…but then Hal appeared and drove them away. He and Grace fell in love, and Hal adopted her pups as his own.

Grace was a little weirded out when she first learned Hal could change into a man; but it helped that he still smelled the same, and that he was so loving with her pups. In his human form, Hal built his family a safe haven, a den that even other wolves couldn’t enter. Grace is everything to him; she and her pups are his highest priority.

“Human Predator”

A jogger named Alice is menaced by a would-be attacker in the woods early one morning, before the sun has risen. But she is saved in the nick of time by the werewolf Hal, and she witnesses his ability to transform.

“House Fire”

Hal rescues two children named Will and Dana, as well as their dog Bosie, from a house fire out in the woods. Later, the children will tell the authorities they were saved by a “superhero werewolf.”

“Survivors in the Snow”

While searching for an escaped convict and his hostage, state troopers are trapped in an avalanche. Hal arrives to save the survivors and lead them back to civilization; but will anyone believe what they have seen?

“Mauling the Mob”

Members of the Lugosi Mob have kidnapped a boy named Eddie and taken him to a cabin deep in the woods. They threaten Eddie’s father, who is a federal judge, that they will kill the boy unless all charges against their boss, Old Man Lugosi, are dropped. But when Hal finds out what’s going on, he busts into the cabin, rescues Eddie, and gives his kidnappers the fright of their life.

“The Cryptozoologist”

Betsy Phibes is an eccentric conspiracy theorist who is obsessed with cryptids, including Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. When she learns about the Mauling Man in her local area, she becomes equally obsessed with capturing the werewolf. Will Hal escape?

“Prey to God”

The Lugosi Mob has hired an assassin named Jedidiah Clark to wreak their vengeance upon Hal. Clark is a trophy hunter who has killed and stuffed countless dangerous animals. He is also a born-again Christian who believes Hal is a manifestation of Satan. But as Clark closes in for the kill, he learns too late that Hal’s mate Grace and her pups are just as devoted to Hal as he is to them.

“The Ghoul”

A new criminal mastermind is on the scene, and even the Lugosi Mob won’t cross him.

As he tries to stop this deadly nemesis, Hal discovers the Ghoul is actually a werehyena, and that he suffered horribly when he was a cub in the wild.

The Ghoul was born to a normal hyena family, and his loved ones were mercilessly wiped out by superstitious humans. He was able to escape thanks to his ability to transform. After years of hating humanity, he decided to become exactly what the people who murdered his family were afraid of.

Now the Ghoul will stop at nothing to see the earth and all its creatures liberated from the evils of humankind. Can Hal reason with this deadly enemy?

“I Hate It When You Go”

Grace hates it whenever Hal leaves her and the pups. She knows he has been chosen by Anubis and Wepwawet for a special destiny, but she fears Hal might not come home one day…especially with the Ghoul on the loose.


“A New Generation”

Hal returns home to Grace with his new friend, the Ghoul, at his side. They arrive in time to be with Grace as she gives birth to a new litter of pups—some of whom are little werewolves!!

Bonding with the pups as their “Uncle Ghoul” helps the werehyena process his childhood traumas, and Hal’s kindness helps his mind and soul to heal. The two of them become an inseparable team, and criminals in the area soon find themselves hunted by not one, but TWO vigilante shapeshifters.

In time, local residents will start telling campfire tales of an entire clan of werewolves (plus one werehyena) in their area, mauling human predators and protecting the innocent…
